Pricing & Ordering
NEW! we now have a virtual store and we accept Visa and Mastercard!
Please add $8 for UPS Shipping (USA only) for up to 2 buildings. 3 or more add $1 for each additional building. example: You wish to purchase 4 buildings, add $10 UPS (USA only) shipping. If paying by Pay Pal please add 3% to your order. example: Your 4 building total above with shipping is $354. $354 plus 3% =$364.62 International orders : Please obtain a shipping cost quote. Pay Pal payment only. infocustech@rcn.comis our Pay Pal email account.
Please click here and print the order form if you are sending in an order. Thank You!
Mike Merwine InFocusTech 1135 Brook Ave. Allentown PA 18103
© In Focus Technologies inc.